There are five categories of patents.
The first category, Core DSF, 主要包括确定燃烧事件的密度和顺序. The second category, Vehicle Integration, 主要涵盖DSF运行对其他车辆系统的影响,反之亦然. The third category, Alternative Engines, 主要包括使用工作循环而不是奥托循环的发动机, and powertrains with auxiliary power sources. 这一类包括柴油发动机,混合动力系统和发动机
multiple firing levels. The fourth category, Diagnostics, covers primarily systems and methods for determining faults, generally those related to DSF operation.
The fifth category, DMD, 主要涵盖了森林舞会游戏脉冲密度控制方法在电动机系统中的应用.
本网页旨在介绍不同司法管辖区的虚拟专利标记规定. Additional patents are pending, both in the United States, China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, India, Europe, and Brazil.
Core DSF
Patent Titles |
Patent Number |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US7577511 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US7849835 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US7886715 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US7954474 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US8099224 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US8131447 |
skip fire engine control | US8499743 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US8616181 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US8701628 |
control of a partial cylinder deactivation engine | US8839766 |
skip fire internal combustion engine control | US8869773 |
skip fire internal combustion engine control | US9020735 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US9086020 |
look-up table based skip fire engine control | US9200587 |
split bank and multimode skip fire operation | US9239037 |
钢瓶燃烧分数的测定和控制系统和方法 | US9441550 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US9528446 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US9650971 |
测定环境温度调节的最佳跳跃火燃烧剖面的方法和装置 | US9739212 |
skip fire transition control | US9745905 |
skip fire transition control | US9777658 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US9964051 |
skip fire transition control | US10107211 |
firing fraction transition control | US10138860 |
managing skip fire phase transitions | US10161328 |
确定最佳箕斗火燃烧剖面的方法和装置 | US10247121 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | US10273894 |
managing firing phase transitions | US10393085 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US10508604 |
确定最佳箕斗火燃烧剖面的方法和装置 | US10941722 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US10968841 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | JP5395899 |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | CN102089511B |
internal combustion engine control for improved efficiency | CN102713215B |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | JP6041363 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | CN103890351B |
钢瓶燃烧分数的测定和控制系统和方法 | CN105317566B |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | CN107120203B |
提高燃油效率的内燃机控制 | IN305277 |
Firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | CN107131083B |
ignition ratio management in skip fire engine control | JP6484210 |
确定最佳箕斗火燃烧剖面的方法和装置 | CN106068373B |
skip fire transition control | CN106715872B |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | EP2307688 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | DE602009063554.9 |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | DE112012004327B4 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | FR2307688 |
skip fire transition control | CN11098526B |
skip fire transition control | CN110953109B |
skip fire transition control | CN111022196B |
firing fraction management in skip fire engine control | US11280276 |
managing skip fire phase transitions | CN109863291B |
Vehicle Integration
Patent Titles |
Patent Number |
提高内燃机效率的系统和方法 | US8402942 |
skip fire engine control | US8511281 |
skip fire engine control | US8651091 |
在箕斗消防作业时,传动系滑移以减轻振动 | US9267454 |
control of manifold vacuum in skip fire operation | US9273643 |
Cylinder re-activation fueling control systems and methods | US9429081 |
averaging filter for skip fire engine operation | US9494088 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | US9541050 |
利用缸内燃烧历史进行箕斗消防车燃烧控制 | US9664130 |
multi-level skip fire | US9689327 |
implementing skip fire with start/stop feature | US9725082 |
system for managing catalytic converter temperature | US9726094 |
deceleration cylinder cut-off | US9790867 |
在发射分数转换期间车辆执行器的协调 | US9878718 |
在发射分数转换期间车辆执行器的协调 | US9926868 |
manifold pressure and air charge model | US9945313 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | US9982611 |
autonomous driving with dynamic skip fire | US9983583 |
在发射分数转换期间车辆执行器的协调 | US10094313 |
在发动机和车辆传动装置之间动态改变变矩器离合器供给器的滑移量 | US10100754 |
在发射分数转换期间车辆执行器的协调 | US10259461 |
air charge estimation for use in engine control | US10253706 |
autonomous driving with dynamic skip fire | US10303169 |
基于进气歧管压力的燃油和/或气缸切断模式下的发动机控制 | US10408140 |
在发动机之间提供的变矩器离合器的滑移量的动态变化 | US10519876 |
managing engine firing fraction changes during gear shifts | US10611359 |
dynamic valve control in a skip fire controlled engine | US10619584 |
noise/vibration reduction control | US10634076 |
managing engine firing fraction changes during gear shifts | US10814858 |
engine diagnostics during cylinder cut off operation | US10900425 |
adaptation of skip fire calibration to vehicle weight | US10927780 |
内燃机重新启动汽缸的分体式直接喷射 | US10982617 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | JP6067503 |
内燃机控制,提高燃油效率 | CN104481713B |
implementing skip fire with start/stop feature | CN106460687B |
cylinder re-activation fueling control systems and methods | CN105041483B |
determine firing & 贫烧冰燃烧密度转变过程中的抽运密度 | US11053828 |
compression ignition engine exhaust gas temperature control | US11060430 |
using SF cylinder deact while in reverse | US11078854 |
dDSF charge flow & egr mngmnt | US11131259 |
在发射分数转换期间车辆执行器的协调 | CN109312675B |
autonomous driving with dynamic skip fire | CN109563782B |
edDSF torque smoothing for recharging & NVH reduction | US11143125 |
fast torque response for boosted engines | US11248546 |
dynamic valve control in a skip fire controlled engine | US11261807 |
managing engine firing fraction changes during gear shifts | US11260844 |
在可变排量发动机中使用不同类型的气缸弹簧对发动机及后处理系统进行温度控制 | US11306672 |
dDSF charge flow & egr Management | US11326532 |
early direct fuel injection for internal combustion engines | US11333099 |
DCCO | US11352966 |
Cyl chrg trapng strats based on predictive skips & staggered valvetrain | US11352967 |
DSF transitions for fixed cda engines | US11359561 |
deceleration cylinder cut-off in a hybrid vehicle | CN110573716B |
dynamic valve control in a skip fire controlled engine | CN110637153B |
eDSF torque smoothing for recharging & NVH reduction | US11421613 |
disabling skip fire based on vehicle location & local regulations | US11428133 |
动态箕斗消防车废气再循环控制 | US11441519 |
firing fraction transition delay method | US11459965 |
using SF cylinder deact while in reverse | US11486321 |
Cyl chrg traping strats based on predictive skips & 交错气门机构相关的ICE操作策略 | US11492987 |
skip cylinder compression braking | US11549455 |
NVH reduction in a SF engine control system | US11555461 |
内燃机微粒过滤器烟尘管理 | US11560822 |
dDSF charge flow & EGR mngmnt | US11619187 |
在可变排量发动机中使用不同类型的气缸弹簧对发动机和后处理系统进行温度控制 | US11624331 |
动态箕斗消防车废气再循环控制 | US11624341 |
fast torque response for boosted engines | US11635035 |
动态箕斗消防车废气再循环控制 | CN114930007B |
managing engine firing fraction changes | US11685380 |
method for determininig pilot injection mass | US11713728 |
通过逼近周期正弦波形实现电机转矩平滑 | US11719175 |
DSF transitions FOR for fixed CDA engines | US11761395 |
using skip fire with power take-off | US11724594 |
integrated CDA with electrified powertrain | US11767797 |
system & 通过停用气缸绕过受损发动机气缸的方法 | US11802519 |
method for determininig pilot injection mass | US11835004 |
Sf操作基于喷油器尖端温度停滞燃油温度或振动要求 | US11859567 |
优化燃烧配方,提高可变排量发动机的性能和排放 | CN114930008B |
Alternative Engine
Patent Titles |
Patent Number |
hybrid vehicle with cylinder deactivation | US8464690 |
化学计量压缩点火发动机控制系统与方法 | US8646435 |
hybrid powertrain control | US8880258 |
hybrid vehicle with cylinder deactivation | US8892330 |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | US9512794 |
multi-level skip fire | US9689328 |
engine torque smoothing | US10060368 |
multi-level skip fire | US10072592 |
deceleration cylinder cut-off in a hybrid vehicle | US10167799 |
engine torque smoothing | US10196995 |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | US10221786 |
内燃机采用可变气门升程和跳火控制 | US10233796 |
Compression ignition engine exhaust gas temperature control | US10247072 |
Adaptive torque mitigation by micro-hybrid system | US10344692 |
engine torque smoothing | US10436133 |
稀燃内燃机废气温度控制 | US10494971 |
multi-level skip fire | US10557427 |
internal combustion engine air charge control | US10662883 |
engine torque smoothing | US10787979 |
adaptive torque mitigation by micro+hybrid system | US10954877 |
多后处理系统的动态装药压缩点火发动机 | US11008995 |
hybrid powertrain control | CN103958312B |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | CN107110039B |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | JP6524546 |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | DE112016000318B4 |
箕斗消防车控制系统的噪声、振动和粗糙度降低 | CN110043377B |
determine firing & 稀燃冰燃烧密度转变过程中的抽运密度 | US11053828 |
compression ignition exhaust gas temperature control | US11060430 |
NVH reduction in a skip fire engine control system | US11136928 |
NVH reduction in a skip fire engine control system | CN110043378B |
engine torque smoothing | CN109641587B |
NVH reduction in a skip fire engine control system | CN110067663B |
NVH reduction in a skip fire engine control system | CN109989841B |
eMotor torque smoothing for recharging | US11208093 |
engine torque smoothing | US11208964 |
multi-level firing engine control | US11236689 |
engine cyliner output level modulation | US11236690 |
稀燃内燃机废气温度控制 | CN108350819B |
利用空燃比和排气温度测定箕斗式细燃发动机的燃烧密度 | US11300026 |
compression ignition engine exhaust gas temperature control | US11333053 |
NVH reduction in a SF engine control system | US11359562 |
integrated CDA with electrified powertrain | US11378022 |
eMotor torque smoothing for recharging | US11560135 |
compression ignition engine exhaust gas temperature control | US11560818 |
compression ignition engine exhaust gas temperature control | US11674423 |
利用空燃比和排气温度测定箕斗式细燃发动机的燃烧密度 | US11680505 |
integrated CDA with electrified powertrain | US11378022 |
Patent Titles |
Patent Number |
动态箕斗点火发动机安全阀启动系统及方法 | US9175613 |
misfire detection system | US9399963 |
valve fault detection | US9562470 |
内燃机缸内高压排气弹簧的测定 | US9581097 |
engine diagnostics with skip fire control | US9581098 |
动态箕斗点火发动机安全阀启动系统及方法 | US9650923 |
misfire detection in a dynamic skip fire engine | US9784644 |
induction diagnostics for skip fire engine | US9835522 |
valve fault detection | US9890732 |
induction diagnostics for skip fire engine | US9891137 |
induction diagnostics for skip fire engine | US9995652 |
torque estimation in a skip fire engine control system | US10012161 |
misfire detection in a dynamic skip fire engine | US10088388 |
induction diagnostics for skip fire engine | CN105189972B |
动态箕斗点火发动机安全阀启动系统及方法 | CN105556099B |
induction diagnostics for skip fire engine | CN106795827B |
基于机器学习的车辆动态点火电平调制控制发动机失火检测 | US11125175 |
用排气压力读数检测内燃机故障的诊断系统和方法 | US11143575 |
torque estimation in a skip fire engine control system | CN109312677B |
Ml用于车辆动态点火电平调制控制发动机失火检测 | US11326534 |
用排气压力读数检测内燃机故障的诊断系统和方法 | US11415483 |
Machine learning for engine fault diagnostics | US11434839 |
exhaust valve failure diagnostics and management | US11624335 |
用排气压力读数检测内燃机故障的诊断系统和方法 | US11635350 |
用排气压力读数检测内燃机故障的诊断系统和方法 | CN114930007B |
用排气压力读数检测内燃机故障的诊断系统和方法 | JP7307928 |
Patent Titles |
Patent Number |
Pulsed Electric Motor Control | US10742155 |
Boosted converted for pulsed electric machine control | US10944352 |
pulsed electric machine control for reducing nvh | US11077759 |
Pulsed Electric Motor Control | US11088644 |
magnetically de-coupled, separately controlled, mutiple electric machine assembly for driving a common shaft | US11133763 |
pulsed electric machine control using tables | US11133767 |
脉冲调制控制与磁场减弱,以提高电机效率 | US11167648 |
pulse electric motor control | US11228272 |
通过电机DMD控制器优化电池效率 | US11345241 |
pulsed electric motor | JP7082679 |
pulsed electric machine control using tables | US11427177 |
magnetically de-coupled, separately controlled, 驱动一个公共轴的多个电机组件 | US11545918 |
reducing vibration for elec motors | US11557996 |
采用弱磁场脉冲调制控制,提高电机效率 | US11623529 |
pulsed electric motor contorl | US11626827 |
pulsed electric machine control for reducing NVH | US11628730 |
HW electro-mechanical arrangement | US11637466 |
optimizing waveforms for elec motors | US11637513 |
通过电机DMD控制器优化电池效率 | US11673476 |
eMachines with efficient torque transmission | US11695361 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | KR102561505 |
pulsed electric motor | IN420413 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | US11863096 |
提高有电流偏置电机转矩上升速率的方法 | US11888424 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | EP3939155 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | FR3939155 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | IT3939155 |
boosted converter for pulsed electric machine control | GB3939155 |
electric machine torque adjust | US11916498 |
DMD SRM phasing while matching torque output & demand | US11973447 |
pulsed electric motor control | US12003202 |